About Counterfeit Products
Online shopping has become one of the consumers shopping, although more convenient, but the network of fake (counterfeit goods) said Yichang Jie, the spread of fake not only on the Internet, many physical stores and wholesale stations are also present
Based on the fact that there have been too many fake Paulina TCT-KLE series products, so please make this official website to clarify. Please identify Made in USA Trade Mark “Paulina TCT-KLE” trademark in order to avoid the purchase of counterfeit products
The company approved the sales channels are authorized dealers. SPA hall. Beauty salon. Beautician. Beauty consultants, consumers only through them in order to buy authentic, genuine, these genuine packaging will be printed bar code
Paulina TCT-KLE consumers if authorized by the company’s business to buy products, obtain genuine, but also by their relative access to after-sales service